Counselling for Children and Young People

You might be experiencing problems at school, feel alienated or misunderstood, have issues with your parents or generally not feel like yourself. Counselling offers a safe space to let you talk about how you feel.  It often helps people because its separate from school and home life and can help you get back to enjoying life, feel less lost and gain a stronger sense of who you are. 

I see young people who are having problems or want to work through past traumatic events. Whether it's depression, self-harm or mental health concerns or issues with parents or people at school, talking to a counsellor can help.

I will initially meet with yourself and your parents or guardians first to have a general discussion about the challenges you are facing.  This is a chance for you to ask any questions about the process and get an idea of whether counselling is right for you.

Usually, clients of mine say that once they have had a few sessions and start to understand counselling a bit better it is a different relationship to others in their life.  My approach is supportive, patient and kind, sometimes challenging but always non-judgmental.  I use this approach to help my clients grow and change.  

What is said between us is strictly confidential, meaning after sessions I do not report back to your parents.  However, if you are under 18 and I am worried about your safety I would need to speak to your parents.  Whenever possible I will inform you of this in advance of sharing anything we discuss.